Posts Tagged ‘elderly’

The social lives of seniors tend to slow down once they reach 65 to 70 years of age. It is important to provide them enough social activities to maintain a good sense of confidence and identity. In most cases, older individuals want to stay with others who also belong in the same age bracket. Here are some of the tried and proven ways to keep them sane.

Good Old Group Gatherings

Group gatherings are a great way for senior citizens to mingle and communicate with other people. The gatherings may stem from church, a lifestyle seminar or any type of hobby for that matter. There are different organizations and agencies forming meet ups every now and then that specifically cater to the social needs of older individuals. In a typical meeting, there may be 5 to 30 participants. A guidance counselor or leader organizes the program in a way that seniors can talk about their current situation, sentiments and other concerns.

The gathering is usually held in a hall or outdoor setting where older individuals can appreciate nature and tranquillity. The agenda can cover one or several topics. Some of the most ideal seminars to attend include self-care, independence and rehabilitative activities for seniors. A meeting may last anywhere from 1 hour to an entire weekend.

Introducing the Internet

You may be surprised to know that senior citizens enjoy technology as much as younger people. You can introduce a senior to the computer, laptop or PDA where they can immediately get connected to various sites and gain tons of information. Teach them about the latest updates regarding the world and their current situation. It is also excellent to let them join online forums, chatrooms and social networking sites where they can view, meet and talk to different people from all over the globe.

At first, seniors will need assistance on how to operate the computer and get connect to the internet. Teach them the basics, such as the proper use of search engines. It will also help to give them safety tips such as checking the potential of a web site and looking out for possibly unscrupulous people that are out to get their credit card numbers and cash.

Indulge in Sports

Senior citizens enjoy sports a lot. At this point, it is recommended that you provide less-strenuous activities such as golf, fishing and light walking. You may also have them get on more active sports, depending on their personal preference and physical capacity. Some of the others to include are swimming, basketball, cricket and tennis.

Seniors also enjoy a lot of table games such as chess, poker and other card games. Board games are also a good way for them to socialize and get their minds to work. Talk about other things while playing, since these people are very inclined to tell their life stories to those who want to listen.

Getting a Buddy

Some people are not as sociable as others and usually just keep to themselves even when activities are introduced. A good approach is to sit down and listen to the person in a one-on-one conversation session. Ask open-ended questions and encourage the individual to share sentiments and other details. You may also give the person a pen and paper to draw or write on. Some would like others to know about their stories only through pictures and words.

Most people may think that activities for seniors only offer physical advantages. The fact is, programs like these cater very well for a full-rounded approach, targeting the physical, mental, social, spiritual and emotional aspects. Seniors need to have a deeper sense of identity during this part of their lives. Developing the right program will benefit them a lot.

Physical Advantages

Primarily, the physical aspect always benefits from different activities that cater to seniors. Older individuals tend to have lower immune systems, experience different pains and stiffness in their bodies, may no longer be capable of doing certain actions, have reduced range of motion and are more prone to developing disease. This is also the time when underlying conditions manifest several signs and symptoms. Complications can also arise for conditions that may have lied dormant for many years.

By doing forms of exercise and stretching routines, seniors greatly enhance their bodies to perform different movements more accordingly. Some of the known benefits include wide range of motion, enhanced strength, longer endurance, better performance in sports, enhanced sexual health, stronger and more toned muscles, better balance and a more stable posture. They will be able to do different activities on their own without trouble.

Emotional Benefits

Activities for seniors can be done singly, in pairs or in groups. These pose a lot of emotional benefits since the individuals get a chance to express themselves fully. They can talk about their past, their present concerns and their dreams for the future. In most cases, seniors want to talk about family and their past accomplishments to gain a sense of identity and develop a feeling of fulfilment.

It is important that you listen to whatever the senior citizen has to say and respond in a positive manner. Allow them to voice out their particular concerns and whatever it is that they want to have to boost self-esteem. Becoming stronger and more independent through the programs gives them a renewed sense of confidence.

Social Benefits

Seniors get to do activities with a partner or with several others in a group. Some programs are also competitive in nature, so seniors get to compare their personal capacities with others in a friendly way. It is vital that they get to relate with others who are also sharing the same sentiments. It is very much advised to do activities with seniors, together with their close friends and family. They should achieve a sense of recognition, thereby making them more capable of handling themselves properly in social affairs.

Mental Pluses

Activities for seniors boost their ability to think critically and analyze too. Some games and programs require proper assessment of certain situations, so the elderly will then devise solutions and answers according to their own understanding. You may introduce them to valuable resources like the internet, where they can stay updated with recent news and other current events. Provide mind games and simple challenges that will enhance the way they think as a whole.

Simple activities like playing chess, word games, conversation and math drills are great ways to boost the seniors’ mental capacity. Do these 3 to 4 times a week, with some short courses throughout the week for follow-up purposes. Assess their response and development over the weeks and up the challenge as necessary for nonstop progress.

Stomach gas, it can be one of the most embarrassing, and funny, things many of us deal with, it can also be very painful. Gas can cause burping, bloating, flatulence and pain. If you want to know how to relieve gas on the stomach you’ll be happy to hear that there are some simple things you can do.

Many people simply swallow a lot of air. They can be heavy breathers or they might take in air when they chew gum or food.

Pay attention to your habits and how much air you take in when you eat, drink, or even chew gum. Awareness of these habits is the first step to changing habits and reducing the amount of gas you have. Try to be more careful about the air you take in during your daily activities.

Keep things moving by getting adequate amounts of fiber in your daily diet. If you get constipated take a laxative containing simethicone that can help break up gas bubbles.

But remember that when you first add more fiber to your diet you’ll likely see an increase in the amount of gas you get so add it to your diet slowly to allow your digestive system to get used to it.

Chewing your food well will take some of the work off of your stomach and help decrease the amount of gas you get. When your stomach works overtime to digest your food that can sometimes cause gas.

And we all know that diet can play a role in getting stomach gas. We all know that beans can create gas, they even have their own cute little song, but there are many other types of foods that can cause gas.

Sometimes our desire to eat healthier and avoid gas can be mutually exclusive concepts since many of the foods that are best for us to eat: broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts cause gas so if you are trying to introduce these foods into your diet, do so slowly. And try to avoid spicy foods whenever possible.

Avoid eating too much refined starches, sugar, or wheat flour since they can produce excess gas. Instead eat barley broth, brown rice, and pineapple.

Remember too, that it’s not just what types of foods you eat it’s also how much you eat. Many households get quite musical right after a big holiday meal. Eat smaller servings and eat more slowly.

And of course everyone is different, find out what triggers gas in you, and once you isolate those foods you can be sure to avoid them, or at least avoid them if you’re going to be leaving your house right after the meal.

Learning how to relieve gas on the stomach is not difficult. Some simple lifestyle changes, such as the types of foods you eat, the amount of food you eat at a time, how fast you eat your food, and even what time of day you eat, can be all it takes, to eliminate, or diminish, painful and embarrassing gas.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by long-term anxiety, excessive worry, and tension, even though there appears to be no reason to feel this way. This disorder affects about 6.8 million American adults (and twice as many women as men). The disorder usually develops gradually. It can start at any age but the highest-risk years are between childhood and middle age, a rather large time span. Evidence shows that genes play a modest role in GAD.
Those who suffer from GAD will go through the day feeling worried and aprehensive. They often anticipate disaster in even minor situations and are usually overly concerned about various issues such as health, money, family problems, or difficulties at work. It may even be hard getting started in the morning because of the thought of what lies ahead of them for the day.

If you find you have been over-worrying about many every-day problems for at least 6 months, you may be diagnosed with GAD. Although you may realize that your concerns are exaggerated, the problem still persists. Not being able to relaxe, startling easily, having difficulty concentrating are all symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Other problems include having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Physical symptoms that often accompany the anxiety include fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, trembling, twitching, irritability, sweating, nausea, lightheadedness, having to go to the bathroom frequently, feeling out of breath, and hot flashes.

The level of severity of your GAD can vary greatly. If you are diagnozed with a mild case, you can function socially for the most part and hold down a job with little difficulty. If your GAD is severe, you can find it difficult even to complete what may seem like the simplest activities.

GAD is usually treated with medications and/or psychotherapy. You may benefit most from a combination of the two. It may take some trial and error to discover exactly what treatments work best for you.

Medications include antidepressants like fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), escitalopram (Lexapro), sertaline (Zoloft), venlafaxine (Effexor) and imipramine (Tofranil); Buspirone (BuSpar); and Benzodiazepines like clonazepam (Klonopin), lorazepam (Ativan), diazepam (Valium), chlordiazepoxide (Librium) and alprazolam (Xanax). Benzodiazepines are for the most part only used for relieving acute anxiety on a short-term basis (for example, when you are having an attack). However, they have a tendency to be addictive and some pretty serious side effects like drowsiness, reduced muscle coordination and impaired balance and memory.

Psychotherapy, often referred to as talk therapy and psychological counseling, deals with trying to work out the underlying life stresses and concerns that may cause your GAD. Once these have been identified, it is possible to and make behavior changes that can reduce your anxiety. One of the most recognized types of psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Basically, short-term cognitive behavioral therapy aims to teach you specific skills that you can then use to identify negative thoughts and behaviors and substitute them with positive ones.

The above information about generalized anxiety disorder does not substitute medical advice given by a health professional.

Insurance plays a big role in today’s society. There is insurance for just about everything, with common types being anything from home owner’s insurance, renters insurance and vehicle insurance to health insurance or life insurance. Insurance acts as a buffer against the unknown.

Things happen in life, and sometimes our own expenses can not cover them. A car accident, your house burning down, getting sick. Things happen that we can not control, and that is where insurance comes in to help cover those unexpected expenses. But the cost of having insurance can sometimes be just as hard as paying for any damage that might happen.

Because of those costs, people are always looking for ways to save. The best way to save is to simply Bundle all Insurance Policys together. By bundling services you can often times get a lot of different benefits, depending on your insurance company. These benefits and decrease in cost can make your insurance way more affordable.

Many of the larger insurance companies will offer a variety of insurance policies such as home insurance, car insurance, and health insurance. That is why they will offer those benefits and discounts for bundling your services. It encourages you to bring all your business to them.

So instead of getting health insurance from one company, auto insurance from another, and home insurance from a third company, it encourages you to get all three at one company for the discounts. That is why you should Bundle all Insurance Policys together.

The discounts and benefits offered differ between insurance companies. Some companies will offer better discounts then others, so you should probably shop around to see where you can get the best deal without sacrificing the benefits of the actual insurance plans.

While the discounts differ between companies, there are some constants. For example, you can expect to save upwards of 10% by simply bundling your services together. Some companies will even discount other insurance policies if you bundle with them.

With so many insurance companies out there constantly battling each other by lowering their rates, you may be left wondering what to do if another company is offering lower rates then what you are paying now. In cases like this, people will often times go with the lower rates instead of bundling their services, thinking it will save them money.

But that actually is not the case most of the time. If you have say, home owners insurance with one company and auto insurance with another because it had lower rates, you might actually be paying more. If you Bundle all Insurance Policys with a single company, even if their rates are a little higher you might actually still be saving more money then if you had split between two different companies.

Now whether or not that holds true for you depends entirely on your circumstances. The premiums of insurance change depending on your personal circumstances so even bundling your services together may not be enough to save you money. But for the most part, it is strongly advised to always bundle services to save yourself as much money as possible.

It might seem odd,but it makes me feel good to know my muscles are sore and I have worked myself hard to build strength after a long work out. But sometimes you want to relieve sore muscles and pains,this is what you can do to help relieve those aches and pains that bother you.

Many people think that it’s crucial to stretch before and after they exercise to help ward off any soreness of the muscles. If you stretch too much while your muscles are throbbing after the workout,you may do more harm than good. So keep stretching limited and relaxed so you don’t put a strain on your muscles and get an injury.

During the stretching you can tear the muscle fiber,which can take a long time to heal and will limit your activities until it heals.Which can slow your progress down with your exercising regimen. Either you can sprain or strain,although both have their differences,you are more likely to pull muscles.Stopping your exercise routine while you wait for the muscle to repair can be frustrating and delay you.

Stretching only works if your muscles are loose and warmed up.Otherwise you risk injury.

Light warm ups before you workout can maximize your stretching. The soreness you feel in you body after working out is because of the tiny tears that occur when you work them hard. By the time your muscles repair,your muscles grow bigger and stronger. So some soreness is a good thing.

You should carefully adjust into a exercise program instead of rigorous training right away. I’ve made the mistake of thinking because I’m athletic I can easily get involved in any physical activity. This is wrong. Various activities require and use different muscles to perform different functions.

If some soreness of the muscles occurs,give light exercise a try. Things like small walks and a laid back bike ride are ideal. The idea is to keep your muscles loose without putting additional strain on your muscles.

First aid for injuries usually involves placing ice on the area from 15 to 20 minutes. After an hour has passed apply heat for 15 to 20 minutes for the next hour or so. Bathing in a hot tub can help to relax you and your muscles.

Maybe a light massage is right for you? Massages help to bring more blood to the the affected areas and help remove the lactic acid that causes soreness in your muscles. Many over counter creams for sore muscles exist to help ease your discomfort.

Just by following these tips,you can enjoy your workouts and know how to get rid of sore muscles too!

Medication isn’t always the best option for getting rid of headache pain. Sometimes you won’t have the pain reliever on hand, other times it won’t work, and there is also the possibility that you don’t like the idea of using drugs to treat your ailments. Pressure points to relieve headaches let you get rid of the pain without relying on drugs.

It’s not entirely understood how these pressure points work, but that doesn’t matter. The only thing you care about is that they can work. While they won’t always bring the relief you need, they work often enough to be useful. The best part is that they are a completely natural alternative to medicinal pain relievers.

If your headaches are not easily controlled, are new, or are stronger than usual, then see your doctor. While the chances are small, it’s possible that you have a much more serious condition that requires professional medical attention. Also, this article is not meant to be taken as medical advice of any kind; you can only get that from a qualified doctor.

Here are a few of the best pressure points to relieve headaches:

1. Your temples – Use two fingers from each hand and make a gentle, circular motion. Don’t press too hard, as the temples can be sensitive. Try doing this for 30 to 60 seconds, and then take a short break before doing it again.

2. The bridge of your nose – At the inside of the top of your nose where your eyebrows meet are some very effective pressure points. Simply massage the area with your fingers, applying a fair amount of pressure.

3. Your hairline – To be precise, the pressure points run along the front portion of where the hairline should be. If you have a receding hairline or are bald then you need to imagine where the hairline is. A circular massaging motion using the heel of your hand should help to ease the pain of most types of headaches.

4. Between your index finger and thumb – Here you will find a fold of skin. Pinch it firmly and then rub it. Do this for 30 to 60 seconds on one hand, and then switch to the other. You can also try using some padding and a clothespin, though that can be a bit painful for some people.

5. The shoulder blades – Most people tend to go right for the tops of the shoulders, and that can help, but one of the best pressure points to relieve headaches is found: approximately one-half of the distance between your head and the outside of your shoulders.

Using pressure points to relieve headaches means that you don’t have to rely on medication or questionable treatments ever again. Instead, you can simply use your favorite pressure point whenever the pain in your head starts, and massage your way to relief. You will always have a way of treating headaches, no matter where you go.

People travel all across the world for a variety of reasons. Whether it is for vacation or business or family matters. A lot of people will have left their home country at least once in their lives. Whenever you go to a foreign country, there are always a lot of things you have to keep in mind. But there is one thing that gets overlooked a lot of the time.

That would be your health. The last thing you want is to get sick or need medical care while on a trip. But what can be even worse is requiring these things when you are in a completely foreign land. Finding the best Hospitals and Health Care in Foreign Lands is an important part of any travel plan.

While finding the best facilities and the best health care plans are important, there are also some other things you should do to protect yourself. The best thing you can do is just make sure you do not need any medical aid in a foreign land. The best way to do this is to take care of yourself before you even leave.

Make sure you get plenty of rest before a trip and keep yourself healthy. You want to face your trip to another country in the best health possible, not only to avoid the hassle of dealing with foreign health care, but simply to enjoy your trip that much more.

Another thing you can do to avoid having to deal with Hospitals and Health Care in Foreign Lands is to get a checkup right before you leave on your trip. Visiting your doctor and making sure you are in your best shape can save you a lot of hassle down the road, especially if there is something there.

Going off that, if you do find yourself coming down with something or sick already, try to get as much rest as possible and do what you can to get over that before you even leave. It is a lot easier to recover from a cold or something when still at home, rather then traveling around.

If you are sick and can not shake it before going on your trip, make sure to be mindful of others. Most likely you will be traveling by plane, and nobody wants to be cooped up in a plane next to a sick person. So make sure to take adequate precautions so that you do not make other people sick.

While these precautions can help avoid needing Hospitals and Health Care in Foreign Lands, they are by no means foolproof. So to better protect yourself use the internet to search for hospitals in and around the area you will be staying. Also look into getting travelers insurance to cover any medical expenses you might incur on your trip.

There are a lot of things you can do to make sure you do not get sick on your trip. By properly preparing for all eventualities and making sure you are mitigating the risks of getting sick, you can better enjoy your trip without having the flu or a cold drag you down.

We all hope to stay well and healthy all the time, but we all know that we are going to be sick or may even be unfortunate and have an accident at some point in our lives. We all have access to the state health services but if you want additional private cover then this is where taking out a private medical insurance comes in. This article explains about health insurance in general and how quotes are worked out in general.

Private medical insurance will cover the cost of your treatment when you are unwell, but the kind of cover and amount of the cover you get varies considerably from policy to policy.

Make sure that when you are considering which health insurance policy to take out that you carefully read the policy so that you can find out which illnesses you are covered for and which illnesses are not included in the policy cover. It can also be the case that your medical insurance policy may require you to use particular hospitals for your treatment.

So what are health insurance quotes calculated on? Well providers calculate your policy quote on several factors, the most important being your age, your health, your medical history, your occupation and they also look at whether you smoke or not. If you do smoke, then you are likely to get a more expensive medical insurance quote.

Some health insurance policies let you choose to have an excess which if you decide to have this option it will lower your insurance quote. Another important thing to take into account when taking out a private medical insurance policy is that no matter how much you decide to spend on your cover you will not get cover for certain illnesses. These illnesses include long term illnesses, alcohol abuse, AIDS, suicide attempts and illnesses that are related to old age.

It is very important that when you take out your cover that you advise your healthcare insurance company of everything that is relevant to your health insurance application. This means you must tell them about any pre-existing medical condition or illness that you may have and it is highly likely that they will not cover you for these pre-existing medical conditions or illnesses.

And finally it is worth mentioning that it is always a good idea that you shop around to find the most suitable and affordable private medical insurance solution for you.

The search for the fountain of youth has been a quest for many years. Consumers pay millions of dollars every year in hopes of finding the magic solution or remedy to aging. Some people resort to surgery to remain having a youthful appearance. Instead of spending money on the painful and expensive surgery, you can age gracefully with some attention to the needs of your body so you can age naturally and beautifully.

Start using sunblock with SPF everyday to prevent sun damage and skin peeling. Use formulated sunblock for your face that allows you to apply makeup over the lotion.

Moisturize your skin on daily. The benefits of moisturizers help to hydrate the skin, replenish the skin cells, reduce wrinkles, and create softer skin. There are quality moisturizers on the market that work effectively without the high price associated with many moisturizers.

Exercise regularly to improve your health. Base your exercise regimen on your health conditions as you may have limitations. Use stretching exercises if you have difficulties with other forms of exercise. Use yoga and Pilates to increase your joint pliability.

Add meditation, yoga, or another stress relieving exercise to your life. When you learn to relax and reduce the stress in your life, you remove the risks of heart disease and stroke. This increases your chances of living longer.

Add walking to your exercise program. Walk for thirty minutes four times a week. Buy walking shoes for proper support of your feet and back to lessen the risks of damages and possible injuries.

Eat a balance low fat low calorie diet filled with nutrients and antioxidants to help your body keep the youthful skin and buoyancy. Eat foods that contain acai and dark green leafy vegetables that aid the body’s natural ability to age gracefully while they help to build your immunity.

Limit your intake of fats and sugars with your foods and beverages. Drink water to keep your body hydrated. Eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day is the medical recommendation for optimal water intake. Reduce your consumption of coffee with added creams and sugar, sodas, teas with the sugars, and other drinks high in sugar contents.

Add a multi-vitamin and supplement to your daily regimen. As you age, your body needs different levels of essential vitamins and minerals. The age appropriate vitamins and supplements will help you have the right amounts daily so you can age gracefully with your healthy body and immune system.

Visit your physician for a regular checkup. Have your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugars checked. You doctor will have blood work done to monitor the level of your health and to help prevent any possible medical conditions. Discuss with your doctor any health issues you may be experiencing so they can be treated.